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Building Zaha: The Story of Architect Zaha Hadid BSW1506


An inspiring picture book biography about British Iraqi architect Zaha Hadid, who was a pioneer in her field against all odds, told by debut author-illustrator Victoria Tentler-Krylov.

The city of Baghdad was full of thinkers, artists, and scientists, the littlest among them Zaha Hadid. Zaha knew from a young age that she wanted to be an architect. She set goals for herself and followed them against all odds. A woman in a man's world, and a person of color in a white field, Zaha was met with resistance at every turn. When critics called her a diva and claimed her ideas were unbuildable, she didn't let their judgments stop her from setting goals and achieving them one by one, finding innovative ways to build projects that became famous the world over. She persisted, she followed her dreams, and she succeeded.

◆ 传奇建筑设计师扎哈·哈迪德的传记绘本首次引进!扎哈·哈迪德,银河SOHO、北京大兴机场、广州大剧院的设计师,也是建筑界诺贝尔奖——普利兹克奖的第一位女性获奖者和最年轻的获奖者。
◆ 一位用设计改变世界的建筑师,其作品活力四射、创新独特,在全球享有盛誉。通过扎哈的成长故事谱写出勇敢无畏、自由追梦的传奇人生,为孩子树立坚定的信念和追梦的勇气。
◆ 全景式展现扎哈“英雄式的奋斗历程”,教会孩子如何突破自我,打破人生困境,收获追逐梦想的勇气!
◆ 全书行文唯美,兼具艺术的感性与建筑的理性。画面华丽辉煌,细腻展示了扎哈多个具有代表性的建筑设计作品的外观及结构,引领孩子追溯设计师的灵感来源和创作思路,探究建筑设计背后的秘密。

By Victoria Tentler-Krylov, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese characters, 44 pages, 9.3"x10.7"
Item: Building Zaha: The Story of Architect Zaha Hadid
Our Price:US$ 21.95
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