This picture book admirably conveys the miracle of a seed. Flower pods burst and dispatch their seeds on the wind; the air-borne seeds are subject to myriad disasters; and the ones that make it through the perils of the seasons to become mature flowering plants are still susceptible to being picked, trod upon and otherwise damaged. But nature allows for survivors, and so the tiny seed grows into a giant flower, releasing its seeds and continuing the cycle. Ages 4-8.
這是一本生命教育的圖畫書,小種籽乘風飛向遠方,躲過艷陽、飛過雪山、越過大海、飄離沙漠,經過重重的考驗,小種籽終於落地生根、發芽、茁壯,不停的長啊長,終於長得比大樹高、比房子高,開出漂亮的花朵。 在大自然中成長,真是一件不容易的事;小種籽挺立在大地上,鳥兒蝴蝶為它唱出生命之歌。 隨著四季更替,秋風再次吹起花朵中的種籽,再次帶著種籽飛呀飛,展開另一段新生命,大自然因而生生不息。藉著本書的閱讀,可以讓孩子體會到生命的難能可貴。
By Eric Carle, Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters, 30 pages, 11.25"x8.37"