My Warm Family series consists of twelve story books. The stories teach children about the love shared amongst family and friends. These joyful books celebrate those magical times spent together with loved ones, and its bright, carefree illustrations from bestselling illustrators bring these special moments to life. The animals are sweetly drawn with expressive faces, which successfully translate the content into a visual story. The writing makes the different stories relatable for young kids which further draws the reader in. These books will enrich the experience of reading Chinese. Get Swimmy, Little Blue and Little Yellow, Cornelius, Matthew's Dream, An Extraordinary Egg, Frederick, It's Mine, and Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse too.
暖房子绘本:关于爱的故事(套装共12册》包括亲情篇6册,友爱篇6册,共有12册,是从英国引进版权的一套非常温馨感人的儿童故事绘本。其中每册一个故事,每个故事都以几个动物伙伴为主人公,讲述他们同父母、亲人或朋友之间的温馨故事,故事中或展现温暖、感人的画面,或讲述体现着关爱、友情、互助、勇敢、谅解等美好的品德,给人的内心以深深的触动。这套图画书不仅故事内容非常温馨感人,画面也十分精致唯美,不仅给小读者以美的熏陶,也能给大读者以美的感受。在这个温暖的房子里,住着一个大大的家庭。家庭成员有小兔子、小熊、小老鼠、小狐狸……他们正等着越来越多的人融入其中。他们将会细心浇灌孩子们心中那颗善良、纯真、梦幻的种子,用真挚的情感滋润孩子们的心田。如果你看见了这座暖房子,那就进来坐坐吧! 请参阅每本书的中文简介。
Book Titles:
1. Babi Ti in Bad Mood 巴比提的坏心情(平装)
2. Red Umbrella in the Rain 雨中的小红伞(平装)
3. Adventure of Tai Dibo and Valdez 泰迪波比和迪兹的第一次冒险(平装)
4. A Winter Night 一个冬夜(平装)
5. Bad Temper Graf 坏脾气的格拉夫(平装)
6. Me and My Mom 我和妈妈(平装)
7. Mom's Kiss 妈妈的吻(平装)
8. Snuggle Up Sleepy Ones 相拥而眠(平装)
9. Papa Bear is not Afraid 熊爸爸不怕(平装)
10. When We are Together 当我们在一起时(平装)
11. I'm Sorry 对不起(平装)
12. Don't Bother Me to Eat 别打扰我吃饭(平装)
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 24 pages/book, 10"x10.25"