This series is a classic, and a must have for every child's library. Every book in the Franklin series captivates children in a fun and delightful way. Franklin is a character that children can relate to; and the situations he ends up in are situations they can always learn from. By following Franklin through his wonderful world, children will find it's a fun, colorful story book series and lessons that no child should be without! Franklin teaches children to adopt good habits, which is essential to learn during the developmental ages of a child. Experienced children’s writers created this series to teach children cooperation and humility, and stimulate their social adaptability. Ages 4-8.
“小乌龟富兰克林”系列是加拿大国宝级童书,25年来已被译成30多种语言,全球销量6500多万册,改编的动画片在140多个国家和地区热播。本系列荣获“加拿大儿童图书推荐奖”、加拿大“鲁斯•施瓦兹童书奖”提名以及“国际阅读协会推荐奖”等多项国际大奖。这是一套能够让父母学会赏识孩子和亲子对话的图画书。故事中,父母巧妙的询问,充满智慧的鼓励,使犯错或失败的小乌龟富兰克林在行为养成和好习惯的培养方面快速地成长。这是一套让孩子在阅读、感悟、体验中发展社会性的图画书。作家从幼儿生活共有的经历中采撷题材,让孩子在融入社会之初学会沟通、合作和谦让,创造性地发展社会适应能力。这是一套让孩子成为勇敢者的图画书。作家敏锐地捕捉到孩子自我成长、理解爱和生命时遇到的小挫折,以及需要关怀的心理变化和生活图景,帮助孩子消除对未知世界的恐惧。作者布尔乔亚说:“小乌龟富兰克林的故事给了孩子一把开启世界的钥匙,我希望那些经常感到缺少勇气的孩子能够从中获得一些能量。” 请参阅每本书的中文简介。
Book Title:
Franklin Wants a Pet富兰克林的小宠物
Fly Pie 富兰克林的苍蝇馅饼
Franklin Is Messy 富兰克林是小邋遢
Goes to School 富兰克林去上学
Lost 富兰克林迷路了
Franklin in the Dark 黑暗中的富兰克林
Franklin's Blanket 富兰克林的小毯子
Hurry Up Franklin 快点!富兰克林
Franklin is Bossy 小霸王富兰克林
Franklin Plays The Game 富兰克林的足球赛
By Paulette Bourgeois, Illustrated by Brenda Clark, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 29 pages/book, 8.5"x7.5"