The Children's Growth Picture Book Series is a children's psychological education series. Each story has important themes and is full of imagination. Children will learn how to overcome difficulties and recognize their own strengths and weaknesses through the Frog's stories, which are accompanied by lively and humorous texts and vivid illustrations. They will not doubt themselves. They will, however, believe in themselves and be themselves! It is a great gift for 3-6 year old children who are in the period of character formation. The series includes ten books. The themes are confidence, help others and self-help, love, life, outside world, happiness, accept difference, friendship, fear, care others and difficulties. In Simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin. Ages 3-6.
这是一套有助于孩子心灵成长的心理教育故事。每个故事都自然流露出某种重要的主题,充满了想像力。文图都是马克斯·维尔修思创作的,文字透着生动和浅浅的幽默,图画则是鲜有的简笔画风格,被西方艺术家誉为“简笔画世界的杰作”。目前该系列已经被翻译成38种语言,全球销量逾百万册。本书是儿童心灵成长图画书系之一,青蛙弗洛格的成长故事——学会战胜困难,为处在性格形成关键期(3-6岁)的孩子准备的一份心理自助礼物。 生活中有时会碰上意想不到的困难——就像青蛙和小熊被困在了他们自己挖的洞里一样!这时候,你要做的就是勇敢地面对困难,努力想办法解决问题。每一样车西部有自己的独特之处,人也是一样。有自己的长处和短处。也许你长得不够漂亮,也许你不够聪明。没有关系,你一定有别人没有的亮点。不要怀疑自己,相信自己,做你自己!
Book Titles:
I Like Myself 我就是喜欢我:学会对自己有信心
Frog is a Hero 弗洛格是个英雄:学会助人和自助
Wonderful Taste of Love 爱的奇妙滋味:学会给予爱和接受爱
Special Day 特别的日子:学会热爱生活
Travel 弗洛格去旅行:学会接触外面的世界
Sad 难过的弗洛格:学会让自己快乐
Strangers 弗洛格和陌生人:学会接纳与自己不一样的人
A Good Friend 找到一个好朋友:学会珍惜友情
Fear 弗洛格吓坏了:学会战胜恐惧
Winter 冬天里的弗洛格:学会关爱别人
Birds is Singing 鸟儿在歌唱:学会珍爱生命
Look for Treasure 弗洛格找宝藏:学会战胜困难
By Max Velthuijs, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters and Pinyin, 23 pages/book, 8.75"x7.75"