Old Story Book Series was developed to help children learn traditional Chinese myths and legends and understand traditional Chinese culture. These books are beautifully illustrated and immerse children in a world of men, heroes and deities, where suns can be shot by arrows, gods animate the waters, and human beings are crafted out of clay.
Book Titles:
Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea 八仙过海
ChenXiang Rescuing His Mother 沉香救母
Jingwei Filling up the Sea 精卫填海
Kuafu Chasing The Sun 夸父逐日
The Mouse Marries Daughter 老鼠嫁女
Pangu Separating Heaven and Earth 盘古开天辟地
Shennong Tasting Herbs 神农尝百草
Nvwa Fixing the Sky 女娲补天
The Story of Twelve Zodiac 十二生肖故事
Laoshan Monk 崂山道士
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 32 pages/book, 8"x8.6"