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Classical Stories of China In Comics BST195


This of books are expected to help anyone who is interested in Chinese culturegain a better understanding of history, culture, philosophy and customs of the Chinese people. The set of books comprise eight topics: Idiom Stories, Fable Stories, Folk Tales, Myths Stories, Scenic Spots Stories, Wisdom Stories, Folk Customs Stories , and Fairy Tales . Concise in language and interesting in contents and meaning, the set of books have been treated in cartoon format for better readability. Hope readers will love these classic stories known to all in China and proved to be influential to the formation and evolvement of the Chinese nation.

本套卡通版“中国经典故事丛书”旨在通过介绍中国历史上一些经典的文化故事,使外国读者了解中国的历史文化和中国人的思维习惯及处世方式。 本套丛书所选的故事植根于民间,被一代代中国人口耳相传,家喻户晓,对中华民族文化的形成和发展有着重要的影响。 这本《童话故事》由孙幼军等著。有趣的故事、简练通俗的文字以及生动的卡通画面,增强了本书的可读性和趣味性,读者朋友可在愉快的阅读过程中品味到中国人的智慧和风格。

Book Titles:
Fairy Tales 童话故事
Myths 神话故事
Folktales 民间故事
Folk Customs 民俗故事
Wisdoms 智慧故事
Idioms 成语故事
Fables 寓言故事
Scenic Spots 名胜故事

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Chracters with English, 189-201 pages, 9.5"x6.75"
Item: Classical Stories of China In Comics
Our Price:US$ 19.95
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