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Save The Planet! BSO260


This series of board books will help children to make the right choice when coming to recycling and saving the planet! On each page, after a short explanatory introduction, children will find a turning wheel. If they place it on the right recycling action, the following page will result in a happy ending. If they make the wrong decision, something bad for the environment will happen... but they can learn from that experience and start all over again thinking about their choices! A simple yet effective idea to make children understand that their actions have an impact on the planet. They can learn from it and make the right choice also in real life.

紙的祕密 森林快速消耗、水資源缺乏、廢棄物堆滿地球……怎麼辦?轉動書裡的神奇轉盤,讓故事發生變化。紙的祕密大揭曉,在生活中做出更好的選擇。怎麼生產?如何運送?紙在我們的生活中有多重要?為什麼紙會影響到森林、河川與冰山?加入阿克和米米,一起守護珍貴的地球。

Book Titles:
Paper 紙的祕密
Water 水的祕密
Plastic 塑膠的祕密
Recycling 回收的祕密

By Federica Fabbian, Boardbook, Traditional Chinese Character, 24 pages/book, 8.6"x8.6"
Item: Save The Planet!
Our Price:US$ 29.95
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