Big Apple Chinese Readers, so classroom proven and well received by both teachers and students in Asia, hardly need any introduction! We proudly announce here that its long expected digital version, revised and updated in response to the classroom feedbacks, has finally arrived! Big Apple Chinese Readers is a graded Chinese reading series tailored to k-12 Chinese learners, comprising short texts phrased in simple, easy-to-understand language. There are five levels in total, with 20 books in per level. Topics increase in level of difficulty as readers progress to each higher level of language proficiency. Topics are selected to begin with students’ personal life (Family and School), connected with social lives and cultural events, and finally leveled up to stories of historical figures, mythological characters, as well as Chinese idioms.
《大苹果阅读》层级式主题阅读系列共分五级,每级包含20个话题。话题的难度根据学习者的语言熟练程度(language proficiency level)呈阶梯状上升,从个人、家庭、学校的日常扩展到社会交往,再延伸到节日习俗、历史/神话人物以及成语故事。整套系列文本短小精练,语言简单易懂,适合k-12年级学生阅读。
Book Titles:
1.Drawing a Snake and Adding Feet to It - 画蛇添足
2.Pulling up the Seedlings to Help Them Grow - 拔苗助长
3.Mend the Pen after a Sheep is Lost - 亡羊补牢
4.Snake-like Reflection of a Bow in the Cup - 杯弓蛇影
5.Making a Mark on the Boat - 刻舟求剑
6.Holding a Tree, Waiting for Rabbit - 守株待兔
7.Play the Lute to a Cow - 对牛弹琴
8.Learning to Walk in Handan - 邯郸学步
9.Plug Your Ears while Stealing a Bell - 掩耳盗铃
10.Getting the Casket but Returning the Pearl - 买椟还珠
11.Self-contradiction - 自相矛盾
12.Blind Men Feel the Elephant - 盲人摸象
13.A Bird Frightened by the Mere Twang of a Bowstring - 惊弓之鸟
14.To Rise Up upon the Crowing of the Rooster - 闻鸡起舞
15.The Man Who Pretended He could Play Reed Pipes - 滥竽充数
16.Practice Makes Perfect - 熟能生巧
17.Frog in the Well - 井底之蛙
18.The Man of Qi Worries about the Sky - 杞人忧天
19.Bamboo on the Mind - 胸有成竹
20.The Fox Borrows the Tiger's Power and Prestige - 狐假虎威
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 21 pages/book, 8.25" x6.4"