Compiled and translated from popular Western children's classics, this series of graded readers uses simple language and lively illustrations making it easier for students learning to read Chinese. A vocabulary list and explanation about sentence structure is included in each book. The series contains 80 titles, which are divided into different reading levels. There are five levels, each level is comprised of four sets, and each set includes four books and one CD-ROM.
Tilly and Todd
Chickenpox 长水痘
Hiccups 打嗝
It's Not Fair 这不公平
No Nits 没有虱子
Rosie's Rides
Are We There Yet? 我们快到了吗?
Hurry up, Pony 小马,快
Let's Say Hello 问好
Rollercoaster Fun 好玩的过山车
Let's Pretend
Pirate Treasure 海盗的财宝
The Circus 马戏团
The Explorers 公园探险记
The Spaceship 太空飞船
Pip's Pet
Cat Nap 爱睡觉的猫
A New Pet 一个新宠物
Bad Dog Digby 小狗迪格比
Where is Sid 希德在哪里
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 19 pages/book, 8.3"x5.6", 1 CD-ROM