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Chinese E JoyReader (Institution) BSE563


JoyReader is a reading App designed for young students ages 3-12 who are studying Chinese language. The App runs on both iPad, iPhone and all Android phones and tablets. It contains over 2,000 Chinese and 500 English storybooks, more than 50 titles will be added on a monthly basis. The storybooks are also categorized into themes to support lessons that based on thematic approach. JoyReader key features include:
1. Listen to a story For students who may not be able to read well enough to enjoy the stories, the Read-To-Me feature would allow the story to be read to the students, and this helps target their listening skills.
2. Learn the pronunciations Students can learn to pronounce any word in a story in two different ways:  from the phonetic guide and from the audio pronunciation when a word is tapped.
3. Learn the words Students can learn the definition of the words from the bilingual dictionary that is embedded with JoyReader. In addition, they can deepen their understanding of the word by learning to write the word through an animated video that displays the strokes in the correct sequence.
4. Practice speaking skills Through the Let’s Talk feature, students will need to answer a series of questions verbally and these responses will be recorded into a video, in a TV-Interview style. This activity not only provides a chance to hone their speaking skills as they respond to the questions asked by a mock-interviewer, it also allows the students to demonstrate their listening and reading comprehension.
5. Learning Monitoring FeaturesIn addition to the learning features, teachers are also provided with features to monitor the learning progress of their students. Teachers are able to know whether or not a student has attended to a reading assignment, how many books has each of the students read, what are the books that they have read, etc. With such information, teachers will be able to target each student better with an individual plan that may help them improve their language skills.

E-JoyReader目前已经上线20多家出版社的1500多本中文及500多本英文故事书,每个月还会定期新增50本。在智能手机或者iPad上安装该APP后,小读者们可以任意下载自己喜欢的故事书进行阅读,下载过的故事书还支持离线阅读。每一本故事书除了可以发声阅读之外,故事里的每个汉字都有单独的发音和书写演示,故事里的每个字都可以点开查询汉英和汉汉两种词典的释义,及字体历史演变。除了上述功能之外,读者还可以根据自己的汉语水平调节故事阅读的速度,选择拼音和英文的呈现与隐藏,更好地满足不同年龄、不同汉语水平的读者学习汉语的需求。另外,有些故事书后面还有“我要说”(“Let’s Talk”)环节,读者可以通过回答问题的方式检验自己的阅读理解效果,同时锻炼自己的汉语口头表达能力。回答的过程中还可以录制成视频 (Video)分享给其他的小伙伴。老师和家长们还能利用“TV-Interview style”这一轻松、有趣的方式,关注学生的学习进度,检验学生的阅读效果,孩子在阅读故事的过程中,既可以从中体验故事本身的乐趣,还能学到很多促进成长的多方面知识,更重要的是可以通过读有趣的小故事学习到地道的汉语。



  • 按照关键词进行精准检索
  • 卡拉OK有声朗读,调节语速
  • 跟读录音,及时比对
  • 拼音、英文的呈现与隐藏,自由选择
  • 汉、英词典,笔顺书写、汉字字源等
  • 我读我创作,学生上传自己创作的绘本
  • 创编故事,制作故事魔瓶
  • 步步登峰,勇攀阅读高峰
  • 体验汉字之美,汉字创作大赛
  • 老师给学生发送个性书单,查看阅读记录
  • 家长推送图书给孩子,指导孩子阅读

If you would like to try the free version, please contact us at info@chinasprout.com

Please see below rates if you order different quantity of licenses. Price is for one year subscription:
1-50 Licenses    $59.99/License
51 and above Licenses  $39.99/License
School Site Licenses    $3599.00 up to 300 students, $15 per student above 300 students

Simplified Chinese characters, Compatible with: Tablet/Phone (Android), iPad (iOS)
Item: Chinese E JoyReader (Institution)
Starts At:US$ 39.99
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