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Picture Books by Ren Rongrong BSE438


I Was Born in the Year of the Pig: Some things in the world you were born with. Things like your last name, your gender and your zodiac sign. In this book, the main character does not like the fact that he was born in the Year of the Pig. He thinks pigs are fat, lazy and dumb. Find out how he changes his mind.
My Father's Teacher: Did you ever wonder who taught your father all the wonderful things that he knows? In this  book, a child gets the chance to meet his father’s teacher.
Illustrated with watercolor paintings and in poem format, each book is both beautiful and fun. Children and adults alike will enjoy this story.

《我属猪》这本书的故事诙谐有趣,以活泼浅显的文字和极具表现力的图画,把一个“正好赶上是猪年”出生的小孩描绘得相当生动。 故事的主人公从开头自己不姓李、陈,偏偏姓任,就有了一肚子气。谈到自己的生肖,早一年生属狗,狗有人爱有人抱;晚一年生属鼠,也比猪好。因为猪又懒又馋,总是给人负面印象,但赶上猪年出生,那又有什么办法呢?只好认命了。
《爸爸的老师》 我的爸爸是个大数学家,任何问题都难不倒他。 什么?我的爸爸竟然有老师? 这首叙事诗,透过情节的变化,传递给孩子的信息是:饮水思源的精神和对启蒙老师的感恩! 这本绘本,不但有一个感人的故事,而且还有生动的插画,很值得向老师和家长推荐。

Book Titles:
I Was Born in the Year of the Pig 我属猪
My Father's Teacher 爸爸的老师

By Rongrong Ren, Hardcover, Simplified Chinese Characters and English, 21-45 pages, 8.5"x8.25"

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