A lonely boy living in a small house. Everytime during Christmas season, the little boy is unhappy. He labels on the chimney "No Santa Claus!". Because in Christmas everyone can be a happy reunion, but he is always been alone!.....However this sad story is full of warmth, and it speaks out the deep desires that children are hoping being loved by their parents. Get our Small Things About the Weather , and Magic Blue Bucket too!
一個幽靈男孩,生活在小洋房中,每當耶誕節來臨,小男孩就特別不開心,還在煙囪貼上「拒絕耶誕老公公進入!」的紙條;因為耶誕節大家都能快樂的團聚,只有他,從來都是自己一個!在下雪的冬夜,終於有一對母女搬進洋房;單親的母親十分開朗,而小女孩更能看到別人所看不到的幽靈男孩。小女孩由於母親很忙,也很孤單,並且從來無法和母親一起過耶誕節,使她和小男孩一樣,很討厭耶誕節。但是,這年耶誕節,小男孩因為有小女孩,小女孩因為有小男孩,一切都變得不一樣了…… 這個帶著悲傷卻飽含溫暖的故事,將許多現代小孩深層的心理渴望表達出來:他們都企盼父母更多的愛與陪伴!
Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters, 36 pages, 9"x9"