Sana goes to park to play. She sees a blue bucket, the bucket becomes larger and larger and eventually it becomes a marine world. Sana and her friends are having fun in this world... ... the book opens a world of imagination, The story inspires adults and children to observe the world in a new perspective and enjoys their lives and dreams. Get our Small Things About the Weather , and Christmas is Not the Same too.
紗娜到公園玩,看到一個藍色的水桶,水桶愈變愈大、愈變愈大,最後變成海洋世界,紗娜和朋友們玩得不亦樂乎……本書呈現出孩子充滿想像的心靈,而這樣的心靈正是最豐富最快樂的!本書的主要讀者群為學齡前和小學階段的小朋友。 對於年幼的孩子來說,水桶等日常生活中平凡無奇的用品,在想像當中可以化身為充滿驚喜的海洋!就如同這本書的小女孩紗娜到公園玩的經歷一樣。這本書文字簡單,畫面豐富,孩子可以從圖畫中看出紗娜與朋友間更多更多的好玩故事。而且,它能讓大人、小孩都能用新的眼光,從身邊事物發現快樂與夢想。
Hardcover, Simplified or Traditional Chinese characters with Zhuyin, 30 pages, 8.65"x10.25"