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The Digger Series BSB429


The Digger and the Flower The first breathtaking book with a powerful message about the environment in acclaimed author/artist Joseph Kuefler's bestselling Digger Series, Each day, the big trucks go to work. They scoop and hoist and push. But when Digger discovers something growing in the rubble, he sets in motion a series of events that will change him, and the city, forever.

挖土機與毛毛蟲 水泥叢林裡,挖土機與毛毛蟲相遇。每一天,挖土機和工程車努力工作:拆除、建造還有改造工地。但當毛毛蟲蛻變成蛹時,挖土機不得不停下來,靜靜守護著生命的蛻變……也在這個時候,它們注意到了工地以外的世界……
挖土機與小花 水泥叢林裡,挖土機與小花相遇 每一天,挖土機都會幫小花澆水、擋風,還會哼搖籃曲給她聽 小花長大了,城市也更擁擠。為了蓋大樓,推土機竟然鏟斷了小花……黑煙散去,碎石堆中遺留下小花的種子挖土機捧起種子,他經過遙遠的街道,來到了沒有工程車到過的地方,就在這裡,挖土機把種子埋進溫暖的泥土裡……

Book Titles:
The Digger and the Caterpillar 挖土機與毛毛蟲
The Digger and the Flower 挖土機與小花

By Joseph Kuefler, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters, English and Zhuyin,40-41 Pages/book, 10.3"x10.3"
Item: The Digger Series
Our Price:US$ 18.95
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