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The I'm Books BSB428


I'm Bored There is NOTHING boring about being a kid, but one little girl is going to have to prove it in this anything-but-boring picture book from comedian Michael Ian Black.
I'm Sad When Flamingo announces he’s feeling down, the little girl and Potato try to cheer him up, but nothing seems to work. Not even dirt! (Which usually works for Potato.)
I'm Worried A girl, a flamingo, and a worried potato star in the third book in New York Times bestselling author Michael Ian Black and celebrated illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi’s series about feelings—and why they’re good, even when they feel bad.
I'm Sorry In this fourth book in the series from New York Times bestselling author Michael Ian Black and celebrated illustrator Debbie Ridpath Ohi, a flamingo and a very sorry potato learn how to mend hurt feelings.

我好無聊 孩子總是抱怨「我好無聊」嗎?在這本書中,作者布萊克將以三位主角:小女孩、馬鈴薯、紅鶴,陪孩子度過「我好無聊」的時光。在故事結尾,作者布下了詼諧的轉折,用極具趣味的方式讓孩子知道,該如何與「我好無聊」的情緒共處!
我好擔心 每個孩子都會擔心害怕,我們該如何這種情緒共處呢?在這本書中,作者布萊克將以三位主角:小女孩、馬鈴薯、紅鶴,陪孩子度過「我好擔心」的時光。在故事結尾,作者布下了詼諧的轉折,用溫暖的方式同理孩子的擔心,讓孩子知道無論發生什麼事……朋友和家人都會一直陪在身邊的!
我好難過  每個孩子都會有難過的時候,我們該如何趕走難過烏雲呢?在這本書中,作者布萊克將以三位主角:小女孩、馬鈴薯、紅鶴,陪孩子度過「我好難過」的時光。在故事結尾,作者布下了詼諧的轉折,用溫暖的方式同理孩子的難過情緒,也教導孩子與難過的情緒共處!
我好不想說對不起 做錯事的孩子,其實知道自己不對,但「對不起」就是說不出口……在這本書中,作者布萊克將以三位主角:小女孩、馬鈴薯、紅鶴,教孩子有勇氣說出「對不起」,同時學會用「對不起」修補受傷的情緒。 在故事結尾,作者布下了詼諧的轉折,用極具趣味的方式讓孩子知道,即使犯錯、認錯,還是值得被愛的!

Book Titles:
I'm Bored 我好無聊
I'm Sad 我好擔心
I'm Worried 我好難過
I'm Sorry 我好不想說對不起

By Michael Ian Black, Illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi, Hardcover, Traditional Chinese characters and English, 32-34 Pages/book, 10"x7.6"
Item: The I'm Books
Our Price:US$ 18.95
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