These modern history books are a comic style collection, which highlight important events in modern history. These comics are in the style of the old Chinese picture books, which used to be in mass production and treasured by children across the nation. Now, the style has become a very common art form in modern picture books, and popularized by publishers.
我的第一本世界历史知识漫画书:近代史 内容简介:本系列丛书将告诉你美国的独立战争和南北战争的前因后果;还有欧洲各国的有为君主是如何让他们的国家更加强大起来;工业革命的发展使各国有了更加充裕的资本去侵略和掠夺;法国大革命为世界带来了民主和自由的先声,打破了封建制度的束缚;西方列强在亚洲肆无忌惮的进行殖民扩张。近代史,是西方的时代,欧美国家凭借傲人的实力吞并每一份还不属于他们的土地与资源。精彩的历史画卷已经展开,等待着你的到来!
Book Titles:
American Freshman 新生的美国
European Monarchy 欧洲的君主专制
Industrial Revolution 工业革命
French Revolution 法国大革命
Imperialist Expansion 帝国主义的扩张
By Wushun Zhang, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 163-168 pages/book, 9.7"x7"