This text book is designed to teach advanced Chinese language students about Chinese traditions and modern life while learning Chinese language. The 18 lessons encompass topics including the origins of Chinese characters, and traditions such as marriage, families, food, festivals, religions, arts & crafts, and more. Each lesson includes text, conversation, vocabulary, exercises. In simplified Chinese characters ONLY. Intermediate textbook is also available.
本书的主旨:撷取中国传统文化中富有代表性的 “文化点”,通过“纵”“横”两个方面,展示中国传统文化的演变及其魅力,使学习者对中国优秀的传统文化,既知其然又知其所以然。本书的选题:中华文化,浩如烟海,本书只撷取那些富有代表性、与现实生活密切相关并深受留学生关注的文化点作为选题对象。本书的结构:十八个选题,本着由浅入深的认知原则,每题自成一个单元,由课文、对话、生词、注释、练习五部分组成。请点击参阅中文目录
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters and Pinyin, 207 pages, 7.25''x10''