The Chinese edition of Languages and Children maintains the integrity of past editions while reflecting the new and fascinating language issues that exist in today’s classrooms (especially English, Chinese and Japanese classroom)in North America and making standards-based planning and guiding principles especially the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century throughout the book. This popular and completely updated text is the only comprehensive foreign language methods text for language classroom in the foreign language teaching and learning market.
1、 内容全面——从学习者、教师、教学沟通、教学计划、文化、学科间的融会贯通、教学资源、教学项目等八大维度全面阐释最新教学理念及教学相关内容。
2、 架构清晰——“深度理解”和“关键问题”等特色板块帮助读者了解章节的内容构架,简单、清晰。读者可运用相关提示进行课程设计。
3、 案例全新——提供大量沉浸式教学实例、教具使用范例、文学使用范例和web 2.0运用范例。旨在帮助读者快速掌握本书介绍的教学原则和使用方法。
4、 评估科学——全面介绍西方最新的评估模式和全美外语教学学会的实践评估体系。鼓励教师运用先进、友善、科学的评估方法。
By Helema Curtain and Carol Ann Dahlberg, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 544 pages, 9"x6.75"