This book introduces 500 Chinese characters, explaining the original meaning of the words through depicting the primitive characters with the abundant illustrations. The evolving process from the shell bone writing to modern characters is illustrated vividly, which can effectively help the learners understand and master the characters.
《汉字演变五百例(修订版)》是一本普及性的汉字知识读物,内容是通过列举汉字几种主要字体中的一些字例,并对《汉字演变五百例(修订版)》些字例的字源绘写图解和浅释,力求简明形象地体现汉字发展演变的历史过程。 《汉字演变五百例(修订版)》共选取常用汉字500字(加上释文中提到的通用字、假借字等共为660多字),每字依次列举甲骨文、金文、小篆、隶书、楷书、草书和行书等七种字体(其中有的已简化,另加简化字楷书,共八种字体)。金文的少数字用籀文或战国文字等字体代替。
By Li Leyi, Paperback, Simplified Characters, 500 Pages, 8.25'' x 6.1''