This series teaches Chinese characters with rhymes with a set of rhyme book, workbook, one audio CD (in Cantonese and Mandarin) or CD-ROM. Each rhyme is illustrated with colorful paintings, with repetitive sentences and introduces about 10 new words, total 900 words in four volumes. Each workbook tells the origins of the characters, radicals, phrases from basic words. along with exercises to learn these words. CD-ROM helps young children to learn the shape, pronunciation and the meaning of Chinese characters through the easy-to-remember and easy-to-recite poetry. This Chinese character input method in the CD-ROM split the character into 21 codes and young children will learn how to read and write. Ages 6-8. Choose from book with CD set or book with CD-ROM set.
富兒童文學色彩的詩歌,易誦易記,幫助兒童牢記字音;通過詩歌展現的情境和書中插圖,孩子可以初步理解字義;是以,透過邊讀、邊看、邊想,字的形音義就連起來了。 每首詩歌平均有10多個重點生字,四冊共有生字近900個後,兒童就可以自行閱讀,獲得成功感,提高他們閱讀的興趣。《誦詩識字練習》以活動、遊戲形式介紹漢字的起源、由來、造字的特點,及部首共39個,透過字帶字,兒童進一步掌握認字的方法,增強自學能力。兒童初步掌握漢字的構字原理(象形、指事、會意、形聲、轉注、假借) ;漢子的結構性(上下組合左右組合)後,反覆練習,對認讀、默寫生字很有幫助,也減少使用錯別字的機會。
-透過識字練習,學習漢字構字原理(六書) 、基本字帶字、 部首帶字、聯想識字等方法,增加識字量,達到盡早閱讀,提前寫作的效果。请参阅硬体要求、系统要求和基本功能。
Paperback, Simplified or Traditional Chinese Characters and Pinyin, Textbook: 31 pages, Exercise Book: 31 pages, 1 CD, 1 CD-ROM, 10.25"x7.4"