A textbook for learning Chinese newspaper reading skills, this book is designed for elementary level newspaper readers. Newspapers absorb the latest research results of course, as well as draw on the experience of the existing features of the press and other types of materials, in order to meet the needs of current newspaper reading teaching. It features:
1. Innovative topics, an interesting selection focusing on growing up;
2. Appropriate difficulty, from easy to difficult;
3. New words to strengthen vocabulary;
4. Learning the language and how to keep explanations concise and practical;
5. Emphasis on the content of the text of the review, with unit test questions;
6. Focus on reading skills development and training to improve the comprehensive ability. Please click here for the table of contents in Simplified Chinese Characters.
第一课 说中国话、做中国菜的美国女孩
第二课 中华美食的回归
第三课 90后旅行消费报告:丽江最受欢迎 双鱼座最爱旅行
第四课 60%职场人都有夜生活? 专家:要适度
第五课 城市“晚点族”
第六课 你有手机依赖症吗
第七课 微博调查显示62%网友支持生二胎
第八课 混合家庭之礼
第九课 不当“直升机父母”
第十课 职场90后:“我喜欢”更重要
第十一课 中国女星到好莱坞学到什么
第十二课 “高铁外交”——中国外交新名片
第十三课 延迟退休是大势所趋
教材的编写吸收了报刊课程的最新研究成果,借鉴了已有报刊及其他类型教材的经验特点,以求切合当前报刊阅读教学的需求。 其突出特点体现在以下几个方面:
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 189 pages, 11.25"x8.25", 1 MP3