This book is a companion to Encounters Student Book One and it will help you learn the Chinese characters required for writing. Note that many other characters are presented in the Readings section of Encounters, but these are not practiced here. We practice here only those required for writing recall. Keep in mind that writing and learning go hand in hand, so practice in one leads to increased proficiency in the other. What's more, writing is also just plain fun. So give some time to developing a decent handwriting. You'II be proud of yourself and of your Chinese. As you proceed, keep in mind the following tips.
Characters may seem, at first glance, an unorganized jumble of pen strokes, but, in fact, each character has one or more components and each component contributes to the character. Although the total Chinese characters number in the tens of thousands, all characters are constructed from about 600 components in varying combinations. When you learn a character, it will be helpful if you pay close attention to components rather than look at the character as an isolated, haphazard collection of strokes. This manual will help you in that effort.
Writing practice will help you understand the structure of Chinese characters, which helps retention. Writing will enable you to see the inner logic of characters, how they are built from two, three, or more components-which, again, will assist memory. Most Chinese characters are made up of one or more of these components, and these components are not haphazardly placed together but have definite, helpful-to-the-learner relationships. Learning the relationship of the parts leads to learning and better remembering the whole. Information contained on these sheets will help in that analysis.
《环球汉语》应用最新技术手段,通过网站、音 视频等灵活多样的教学手段有技巧地帮助学习者迅速 、稳定地获得进步。无论是汉语学习者还是汉语教师 ,都能够通过《环球汉语》不同阶段的教与学不断获 得启发。这本由孟德儒、李荣珍编写的《环球汉语(汉语 和中国文化汉字练习本2)》是练习本。
By John S. Montanaro and Rongzhen Li, Paperback, Simplified and Traditional Chinese Characters, Pinyin and English, 225 pages/book, 11.25"x8.25"