Amazing Chinese series is a set of teaching materials specifically designed for a Chinese language course within international schools. The teaching materials aim to support and establish the learning foundations of secondary school students who are non-native Chinese speakers. The series have six levels. Each level contains a textbook, a workbook and a teacher’s book. The workbook includes listening, reading aloud and recording, reading and answering questions and short composition. Students can scan for online listening as well.
《中文真棒 》是一套专为国际学校中 文课程所设计的教材 ,旨在帮助母 语非汉语的中学生奠定学习基础 。 全套教材共有六册 ,每册皆包含课 本 、练习本及教学指导手册 。练习本内容包括聆听、说话念读及录音、阅读、回答问题及短文写作,还可以扫码在线听。
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English, 136-148 pages, 11.4"x8.3"