New Concept Chinese, a series of Chinese textbooks for adults, is suitable for both self-teaching and classroom teaching. Observing the principle of “making Chinese easier to learn”, this series presents practical, concise and interesting teaching materials and employs easy, flexible and effective teaching methods so that students and teachers could learn and teach Chinese in a convenient and effective way. The whole series includes Textbooks, Workbooks, Chinese Character Workbooks and Teacher’s Books. Price is for two sets of flash cards.
《新概念汉语》是一套供成人使用的汉语教材,可供自学者使用,也可在课堂教学中使用。本教材践行“让汉语容易学”的宗旨,选择实用、简要、有趣的教学内容,设计简便、灵活、有效的学习和教授方法,为汉语学习者和教师提供一条方便有效的学习途径。全套教材包括课本、练习册、汉字练习册、教师用书等。本书是第一册课本,供稍有汉语基础的成人汉语学习者使用。本册教材教授400多个汉语交际常用词、300多个汉字、40多个语法项目,以及外国人使用汉语学习、生活、工作时最常见的话题,如“职业”“爱好”“食品”“交通工具”等。学完第一册可达到新HSK 2级水平。本书是教学图卡1A/1B, 与课本第一册配套。该图卡正面是彩色插图,背面是与该插图相关的提示词语和重要句型,便于教师课堂教学使用。
Flashcard, Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, 271 Pieces, 7"x 9"