Rainbow Bridge features engaging stories known for their twists and turns and deeply touching plots. The topics are selected from Chinese mythology, legends, folklore, literature, biographies of renowned people and historical tales. Each story has an introduction to the main characters in Chinese and English, new words with English explanation and sample sentences and an English translation of the story, followed by comprehension exercises and a vocabulary list to help users read and understand the story and improve their Chinese reading skills. A gradual approach, by grading the volumes based on vocabulary levels, helps students learn to read Chinese at different stages. This series includes the books for Starter Level with 150 Vocabulary Words (入门级:150词) Please click here for each title description.
老马识图: 齐国的大军在一个山谷里迷了路,眼看带来的食物就要吃完了。怎么办?把最老的马吃掉以解燃眉之急?·····
勇敢的女儿: 淳于意有五个女儿,他一直为没有儿子难过。没想到,在他遇到危难时,最小的女儿缇萦挺身而出······
成也萧何败萧何: 韩信是中国古代一位了不起的军事家。从默默无闻到被汉王刘邦重用,再到后来因谋反而被杀,他的一生成败都与一个叫萧何的人分不开...
审石头: 一个商人的货物被人抢走了,他向地方官郭老爷求助,郭老爷却审起了这个案件的“证人”——一块大石头……
Book Titles:
Starter Level 150 Words
An Old Horse Makes the Best Guide 老马识图
A Brave Daughter 勇敢的女儿
Xiao He: A Blessing and a Curse 成也萧何败萧何
Level 1 300 Words
A Stone on Trial 审石头
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 36-40 pages/book, 8.25"x5.75”, MP3 Download Online.