This is a storybook to be used as reading material for upper grade elementary, middle, and high school students who have received approximately 100-200 hours of Chinese language instruction. This book tells the story of two American students who want to take a boat trip to Puerto Rico. However, problems arise when they miss their boat in San Juan. There are altogether 10 chapters in this book, and at the end of each chapter, there are comprehensive questions written in English. The book's intention is for the teacher or the students to check their understanding of the story. There is also a glossary is attached at the end of the book.
本书是我社“我爱学中文阅读系列”的一本。是根据Blaine Ray用西班牙语编写的同名故事翻译改写而成的,是Blaine Ray发明的应用于各种外语教学的“行为情境教学法”(TPRS:Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Story-telling)的配套读物。该教学法在美国被广泛采用,其特点是通过生动有趣的故事和相关情境,让学生在轻松的学习中掌握词汇并学会语言交际。本书讲述了两个美国中学生乘坐游船到波多黎各旅行,因错过游船而发生在圣胡安的故事。全书共有10章,每章后面有几个问题(英文),用以检测学生对故事的理解。全书最后附有词语表。本书适用于小学高年级、初中和高中已接收过约150-200小时的中文授课,并希望继续学习中文的学生。
By Susan Zhang, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters and Pinyin, Vocabulary in Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English, 128 pages, 8.25"x5.7"