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Graded Reader - From the Bottom to the Top BLH119


Being one of titles from Chinese Reading for Practical Purposes: Step by Step, this book is designed for learners at HSK Level 3 ~ 5 who have learned 1,000 Chinese characters or have studied Chinese for more than half a year. There are 20 articles altogether, all of which are idioms selected from Chinese ancient fables or fairy tales. In addition to the annotations in pinyin, English, Korean and Japanese for the new words, the corresponding pinyin is also provided for each story. Three columns are designed after the story. In the first column, "Have you understood it"?, four questions are raised to check how well the learners read; in the second column, "Can you use it?", two sample sentences on how to use this idiom are given, the purpose of which is to help learners master the usage of the idiom. The third column, "Synonym idioms", helps students to learn by associating this word with other words. All the new words are annotated in Korean and Japanese and are indexed in the last part of the book for learners. An accompanying CD provides the recording for each lesson.

本书是《实用汉语分级阅读丛书》系列之一,属于乙级读本,供汉语水平达到HSK3-5级,已有词汇量达到1000个,学习汉语时间在半年以上的学习者课后阅读或自学使用。本书共20篇,内容均为汉语成语故事,所收成语均来自中国古代寓言故事及神话传说。每篇故事前给出了限时阅读的参考时间以及该故事的字数。文中为生词配有拼音及英文、韩文、日文注释,并配有全文的拼音对照文本。故事后设有三个小栏目:(1)“你看懂了吗?”每篇提出4个问题,检验学习者的阅读效果;(2)“你会用了吗?”每篇给出使用该成语的2个具体例句,帮助学习者掌握成语的实际使用方法;(3)“近义成语”,有助学生达到联想学习的效果。全书最后还提供了生词的韩文、日文注释和全部生词索引,为学习者提供最大限度的便利。 本书小16开本设计,双色印刷,配以幽默的插图,版式活泼,能够让学习者体会到丰富的阅读乐趣。随书附赠CD1盘,录有每课的课文录音。

Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, Pinyin, English, Janpanese and Korean, 141 pages, 8.7"x6.7", 1 CD
Item: Graded Reader - From the Bottom to the Top
Our Price:US$ 15.95
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