Huanle Huoban (International Edition) is an adaptation of Singapore’s Chinese Language for Primary Schools instructional material. This series is specifically designed for children learning Chinese as a Second Language. A variety of holistic resources, ranging from textbooks, activity books, teaching toolkits, and digital resources are available for learners and teachers to enhance the teaching and learning of the Chinese language in a fun and purposeful way.
Why Choose the Huanle Huoban (International Edition) Series? Infusing context from everyday life, this series enables students to learn Chinese in a conducive and relatable environment. Using the comprehensive range of materials, teachers can build on learners’ interests and scaffold their development of the four essential language skills – listening, speaking, reading and writing – through ample practice and activities.
Teacher’s Guides are only available in digital format (PDF) and provided to adopting schools who have purchased the product
《欢乐伙伴》(国际版)根据海外非华语地区小学华文教学的需求,在新加坡小学华文教材 《欢乐伙伴》的基础上改编而成的。本教学配套包括3本课本、3本活动本、3本教师用书、数码资源,每年一册。教师可根据学生的 语言能力及客观条件,对本教材作灵活处理,以提高教学效率。
本教材注重培养口语能力,包括听说剧场、拼音城堡、读写乐园等板块。各板块学习内容有机关联、 相互照应,以提高学习效率, 巩固学习成果。
The key components of this series are:
1. 听说剧场 (Oracy Theatre) 学习口语交际和口语表达。汉语拼音标在汉字之上,汉语拼音与汉字都分词连写,以利于口语的学习。 句子中橙色的部分可以换。 The Hanyu Pinyin of the Chinese characters in a linked term are enjoined, while the first letter of the Hanyu Pinyin in every sentenced is capitalised to help learners differentiate between words and sentences. Teachers can substitute the characters in orange with other vocabulary that learners encounter regularly to make learning even more effective and meaningful.
2. 读写乐园 (Literacy Playground) 学习识写、写字和阅读。汉字在汉语拼音之上,汉语拼音分词连写,以利于读写的学习。 Through recognising characters, learners gradually learn to read sentences. They will also understand the strokes of characters and learn about the radicals and stroke order of characters.
3. 拼音城堡 (Pinyin Castle) 学习汉语拼音。 The syllables of known words are broken down into initials and tones, and then subsequently used to form new syllables to teach learners Hanyu Pinyin and pronunciation.
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, and Pinyin, 88-136 pages/book, 10.25"x7.5"