Learn Chinese Culture with Rhymes is a continuation of the series of Dr Zhou's Rhymes for Learning Chinese.
It contains the following features:
1. All the rhymes are the original work accumulated in the front line of teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Western society packed with fun and pleasure for both students and the teacher
2. This book, the first of the series, encompasses themes relative to traditional festivals and anniversaries in both Chinese and Western cultures
3. Each rhyme can be sung in Chinese, and recited in both Chinese and English with background music written by the author and also a fantastic flash cartoon and Karaoke DVD which students thoroughly enjoy
4. Each rhyme has a glossary of the vocabulary in English so that learners can observe the differences between the two languages directly
5. Each rhyme has been translated and adapted into English rhyme form which is very enjoyable reading
6. This book has a corresponding website: www.drzhou.com.au which provides relevant teaching resources.
This series is easy to read and understand in terms of lyrics and tunes; humorous and witty in text, rich and colorful in content, light hearted and vivid in format, and the musical presentation is pleasant to listen to, with the cartoons containing fun and humor which students find very entertaining. Altogether it creates an all-round comfortable audio-visual learning environment for language teaching and artistic appreciation. Please view table of content in Simplified Chinese characters.
《晓康歌谣学文化》是《晓康歌谣学汉语》系列的延续,集学习性、艺术性、娱乐性、欣赏性于一体,是作者在海外汉语教学一线日积月累、师生同乐的原创。本书主要为学习汉语的非母语学生编写,适合从幼儿园到中学各年级的汉语及文化教学活动,其特色有:本集主题涵盖30个重要的中西传统节日与纪念日,词曲简单明了,语言幽默风趣,内容丰富多彩,形式生动活泼;所有歌谣均制作成动画卡拉OK,伴奏优美动听,歌声甜润可爱,动画生动有趣,让汉语学习有声有色,妙趣横生,可大大提高学生的学习热情和积极性;歌词采取字面直译、汉英对照的方式,使学习者能直观了解汉英两种语言的差别;每首歌谣均意译成对应英文韵文,具有可读性和趣味性。总之,本书给语言文化的教学和艺术欣赏提供了最直观、最具视觉和听觉效果的“全方位”享受。 本书配套DVD内容包括中文演唱、中文朗诵动画卡拉OK,英文朗诵动画;配套MP3内容包括:中文演唱和中英文朗诵。详细内容请参阅中文目录
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Characters, Pinyin and English, 88 pages, 11.25"x8.25", 1 bilingual DVD:90 Minutes, 1 bilingual MP3 CD:110 Minutes