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Mei Zhou Chinese (K-7 Grade) (Simplified Version) BLE199


The 12-volumed Mei Zhou Chinese is suitable for students of Grades 1-12 learning Chinese for 2-4 hours a week. The focuses of the textbooks include phonetics, vocabulary, situation-oriented communications and human sciences. The applicable standards adopted for compilation include US national standards on teaching foreign languages (5C) and US standards on foreign language assessment. And the textbooks are connected with both US Chinese Advance Placement Program (AP) at senior high school and US college Chinese program.

Level K includes textbook, workbook and DVD.
Level 1-3 includes textbook, workbook, characters cards and DVD.
Level 4-5 includes textbook, workbook, characters cards. (DVD needs to purchase separately Here .)
Level 6-9 includes textbook, workbook, characters cards and DVD.
Level 10 includes  textbook, workbook and DVD.

美洲华语》是由《美洲华语》教材编委会为美洲地区1年级至12年级的学生编写的中文教材,适合每周上课2—4小时的中文学校学生使用,并与美国高中中文进阶课程(chinese advance placement program,简称ap)以及美国大学的中文教学相衔接。《美洲华语》共12册,每册自成一套。Level K 包括课本、作业本和 DVD。Level 1-3, 6-9 包括课本、作业本、生字卡和DVDLevel 4-5 包括课本、作业本、生字卡,Level 4-5 DVD 另售。 Level 10 包括课本、作业本、DVD。《美洲华语》简体字版采用汉语拼音注音,繁体字版则同时采用注音符号及汉语拼音注音。 《美洲华语》课本,是以美国外语教学标准(standards for foreign language learning,5c)、美国外语评价规范(national assessment educational progress framework)为准则,融合多元智慧(multiple intelligence)编写而成。美国外语教学标准(5c)为:1.培养沟通能力(communication);2.体认中国文化与习俗(cultures);3.贯连其他学科(connections);4.比较中西文化特性(comparisons);5.运用于实际生活(communities)。五大指标中的“沟通"st包括三个沟通模式(3 modes):双向沟通(interpersonal),理解诠释(interpretive),表达演示(presentational)。因此, 《美洲华语》各册内容的选材,均以相应年级学龄学生的各科知识层面、生活经验和对等程度的中国文化为主。各册课本、作业及辅助教材的设计,也特别注重学生在听力理解、口语表达、阅读理解、书写和翻译能力等方面的学习,以利于掌握三种沟通模式,融人多元智慧,从而达到“5c”外语教学标准。

By Theresa H Chao, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 118-132 pages/book, 11"x8.25"
Item: Mei Zhou Chinese (K-7 Grade) (Simplified Version)
Our Price:US$ 24.95
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