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Experiencing Chinese-Elementary Workbooks BLE049


This series is compiled for beginning Chinese learners aged 7 and above, either taking grade 4-6 Chinese elective classes or private courses, or studying independently. The textbooks are divided into six volumes, each of which includes a student textbook, an exercise book, flashcards, Pinyin cards, posters, and teacher's manual. The compilation of these textbooks is in accordance with the learning characteristics and psychology of children, taking hands-on learning as its main philosophy, to let students experience Chinese in a relaxed and happy learning atmosphere. The textbooks feature both pictures and texts, which are vivid, funny, practical, and easy to learn. Experiencing Chinese Pinyin Book is available.

If you buy both the textbook and workbook together, you can get free access to Experiencing Chinese's website! This website is good for students because it includes activities and tests. It also includes a teacher's manual for teachers. We will provide you with the


Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, Pinyin and English, 101-110 pages/books, 11"x8.25", 1 CD

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Item: Experiencing Chinese-Elementary Workbooks
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