I'll Protect You is a set of Children Growing Up Safe picture books for children growing up in vulnerable situations. The set is divided into 10 topics: being cautious of strangers, self-help, preventing sexual harassment, sexual harassment strain processing, playing safe, seismic strain, going out safely, riding public transportation, and lastly strain and fire safety in the home.
《我來保護你》全套 10 冊,是一套「兒童安全成長」繪本,針對孩子成長過程中容易遭遇的各種安全問題,向孩子和家長灌輸自我保護的意識。分為 10 大主題:提防陌生人、拐賣自救、預防性騷擾、性騷擾應變處理、玩耍安全、地震應變、外出安全、交通安全、失火應變和家居安全。以孩子最喜歡的圖畫故事形式,培養孩子的安全意識以及訓練他們自我保護的技能,對家長也有着深刻的啓發意義。
Book Titles:
Earthquake Secret 地震的秘密
Big Dinosaur is Coming 大恐龍來了(拐賣自救)
Little Trouble Deer 煩惱的小花鹿
Rabbit Super Nanny 超級兔保姆
Three Bears Goes Outing 三隻小熊去郊遊(提防陌生人)
Not Every Hug Is Beautiful 不是每個抱抱都美好(性騷擾應變處理)
Laud Hippo 大嗓門河馬(玩耍安全)
Welcome to the Country of Birds 歡迎來到百鳥國(交通安全)
Fire fighting Robot 救火機器人 (失火應變)
Explore Together 一起去探險(家居安全)
By Stephanie Wong, Paperback, Traditional Chinese characters and Pinyin, 35 pages/book, 9.9"x9.9"