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Math Start Series (8 Books) BLC398


Published by Harper Collins Publishing, this award-winning series uses visual learning strategies to teach mathematical concepts, insuring young readers that the content is enticing and educational. Author Stuart J. Murphy brings a unique perspective to the Math Start series. In Math Start books, pictures do more than tell stories. This series is one of the few math concept books with realistic dialogue, authentic emotions, and genuine humor. A list of suggestions for adults using the book with children follows the story. Ages 4-8. Teacher Manuals are included for each series! Please review the Introduction of Each Book in Simplified Chinese characters.

启发精选数学绘本丛书《数学启蒙》(MathStart),是美国哈珀?柯林斯出版集团的长期畅销书。由美国著名童书作家斯图尔特·J. 墨菲从1996年开始创作故事,并邀请30多位国际知名插画家合作绘制,至今已出版发行60余册,被美国图书馆协会评为 “青少年非虚构系列十佳图书系列之一”。每本单册都有独立的故事和人物形象,都要经过一组数学老师精心审批,所需时间超过两年。书中为孩子提供贴近生活经验的场景,让数学概念或问题自然有趣地发生。比如:由家庭聚会拍合影引出数字排序概念、由抢椅子游戏引出10以内的减法问题、由整理房间引出比较物品轻重的问题……全套丛书共5阶(8册/阶),每阶配一本《亲师手册》,协助幼师、家长精准掌握每本书的数学概念,轻松与孩子互动,分享数学绘本的乐趣。全书具有系统性,根据数学教育顺序分五个部分(数与计算、量与实测、图形与空间、统计与机率、逻辑与推理),让孩子循序渐进地了解、学习数学。全套丛书共5阶(8册/阶),每阶配一本《亲师手册》,协助幼师、家长精准掌握每本书的数学概念,轻松与孩子互动,分享数学绘本的乐趣.

Book Titles:
Set 4

Guess Who Can Calculate-Estimation猜猜谁会加:估算
Carnival-Division 游乐嘉年华:除法
Long Live Earth Day-Place Value地球日,万岁:位值
Eddie Is Guessing Age- Equal or Less Than艾迪来猜龄:大于或小于
Little Pepper’s Diary: Calender小胡椒日记:月历
Mine is Better-Area我的比较好:面积
Lemon Juice Auction-Bar Chart柠檬汁大拍卖:条形统计图
Captain- Dimension宇宙无敌舰长:立体

Set 5
Grey Bear’s Report-Percentage灰熊特报:百分比
Perry’s Scooter-Negative裴利的滑板车:负数
Polly’s Pen Friend- Metric Units 波莉的笔友:公制单位
Sundae Ice cream- Combination圣代冰激凌:排列组合
Pistachio Ice cream- Probability 开心果冰激凌:概率
Football Game- Time足球大赛:时间的化聚
Treasure Map-Map藏宝图:解读地图
Bicycle Tour- circumference自行车环行赛:周长

By Stuart J. Murphy, Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 33-56 pages/book, 8"x10"
Item: Math Start Series (8 Books)
Our Price:US$ 59.95
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