A popular set of books, DK Explore series explains history, geography, and other historic facts. Each title includes beautiful photos so that they can better understand the text, interesting facts in easy to understand words, and convenient web links so that you can learn more by going on the internet.
《探索丛书》为科学普及出版社从英国DK公司(Dorling Kindersley Limited Co.)引进的一套科学普及图书,全套共14本, 为“全民科学素质行动计划·书本科技馆”系列图书之一。
Book Titles:
History of Roman 古罗马史
History of Ancient Greece 古希腊史
Mystery of Mummy 木乃伊谜
Mystery of Human Body 人体奥秘
Colorful Insects 斑斓昆虫
Mammal 哺乳动物
Wonderful Earth 奇妙地球
Meteorology 气象万千
Prehistoric Civilization 史前文明
Rocks and Minerals 岩石·矿物
World of Dinosaurs 恐龙世界
Plants Kingdom 植物王国
Space Travel 太空旅行
Blue Ocean 蓝色海洋
Paperback, Simplified Chinese Character, 89-95 pages/book, 11"x8.5"