The Dandelion Science Picture Book Series consists of five separate books, each filled with lively illustrations that young children will love. Books address a multitude of topics that perplex and fascinate children. Read with your child to teach them about the function of bodily orifices, how plants grow, how to not be afraid of the dark, how water circulates in the natural environment, and even what happens when creatures of all kinds fall in love. This series does an wonderful job at incorporating learning points, well written stories, and great illustration all into one book. It's perfect for story time and will not disappoint.
Book Titles:
1.The "Holes" On Our Bodies 我们身体里的“洞”
2.What Does That Seed Want To Be? 种子嘟嘟想变成什么呢?
3.I Like You 我喜欢你
4.The Shadow Is My Friend 影子是我的好朋友
5.Where Does Water Come From? 水是从哪儿来的?
Paperback, Simplified Chinese characters, 29-35 pages, 8.25"x7.2"