Forgets 小乌龟富兰克林爱忘事(责任心)
In this Franklin TV Storybook, Franklin asks to tend Mr.
Mole's garden for a few days, convincing Mr. Mole that he's grown up enough to
handle the job. But Franklin forgets, and by the time he remembers, the garden
is almost ruined. Franklin feels terrible, but when he takes responsibility for
his actions, he discovers that maybe he's growing up after all.
Franklin Runs Away 小乌龟富兰克林离家出走(管理情绪)
In this Franklin TV Storybook, Franklin can't do anything
right. He can't make his sister smile, he forgets to put his bike away, he gets
a scolding for talking in class --- and, on top of everything, his friends just
don't seem to care. Frustrated and lonely, Franklin packs up his belongings and
sets out to find new family and friends. But as he heads off, Franklin realizes
the only family and friends he really wants are the ones he's leaving behind.
Franklin Peeps 小乌龟富兰克林偷看礼物(保守秘密)
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, Franklin can't decide what
to donate to his school's Christmas toy drive. At first, all of his toys seem
too special to give away, then nothing seems special
enough. With some inspiration from his Great Aunt Harriet, Franklin finally
comes up with the perfect gift.
Franklin and the Video Game 小乌龟富兰克林和电脑游戏(自制力)
In this Franklin Classic Storybook, our hero can count forwards
and backwards. He can zip zippers and button buttons. He can slide down a
riverbank by himself. He can even sleep alone is his small, dark shell. And he
is addicted to the video games.
Franklin Wants a Badge 小乌龟富兰克林想要个徽章(延迟满足)
"Franklin Wants a Badge" is a story of appreciating
the value work and taking pride in having done something good. In this story,
Franklin becomes a part of a type of combination Boy/Girl Scout group called
Trailblazers and can't wait to start earning all sorts of neat badges. When he
learns that it might take many months to earn his badges, he's at first
disappointed, but after learning more about Trailblazers, he comes around and
gets a special surprise too. As
always, the illustrations are superb, with great attention to detail and many
striking full-page illustrations. Writing and dialogue are also both on target.
Franklin Plants a Tree 小乌龟富兰克林和小树苗(学会等待)
Franklin has lost the tree sapling he was given for Earth
Day, so he retraces his steps. Thanks to a bit of luck, he finds the sapling
and proudly plants it in his backyard, hoping it will grow big enough for a
tree house.
Franklin's Nickname 小乌龟富兰克林的绰号(自我认知)
When Franklin tries to live up to the nickname he chooses for
himself, he learns you can't ignore who you really are. When Franklin rea Done lizes
that his favorite athletes all have cool nicknames, he decides that he wants
one, too. So he asks everyone to call him "Flash." His friends point
out that nicknames are never self-chosen; you get one based on something you
do. They decide that Franklin should be called "Pokey," since he
moves slowly. This sets off a contest in which Franklin tries to disprove his
friends -- but his true nature wins out. Franklin decides to wait for a
nickname until he's earned one that really suits him.
Franklin's New Helmet 小乌龟富兰克林的新头盔(自信心)
In this Franklin TV Storybook, our hero has a flashy new
bicycle helmet and can't wait to show if off. But when he overhears his friends
making fun of that particular style, Franklin decides to hide it instead. When
Rabbit stumbles on the concealed helmet, Franklin is embarrassed -- until he
realizes that he must trust his own opinions.