

Oliver and the Noisy Baby爱哭的宝宝》

Oliver’s baby sister won’t stop crying. Oliver gets in his plane and travels to distant lands to get away from the noise. But wherever he goes, there are babies crying. Oliver wonders if back home his sister might need him so he flies back to cuddle her to sleep!



Oliver Who Was Small But Mighty我要变强大》

The night the wind started to bump and to bash was the night the rain started to thump and to thrash. Oliver was small; he didn't like it at all. He wished he was tall and mighty. Oliver is having a bath during a thunderstorm and as the thunder gets louder and the storm gets more scary he uses his imagination to face his fears and overcome them.



Oliver Who Traveled Far And Wide寻找泰迪熊》

Poor Oliver has lost his Ted and must make a journey far and wide to find him before he can go to sleep. Oliver who was small but mighty: Oliver discovers that, though small, he is indeed mighty as he lives through his fears in this glorious, rollicking work of imagination.



Oliver Who Would Not Sleep我不想睡觉》

Oliver couldn’t and didn’t and would not sleep. It's not that he is afraid of the dark, or monsters, or robbers or sounds from the park. But Oliver likes staying awake more than going to sleep. Join Oliver on his journey to Mars and back before he finally, finally, finally goes to sleep.
