The 4 Chang Yu presented in this Beginning Reader level are
開門見山 (to get right to the point)
 一五一十 (to recount in full detail)
七上八下 (perturbed state of mind)
五花八門 (all kinds of)

The 4 Chang Yu presented in this Budding Reader level are
五光十色 (brilliant colours)
春回大地 (return of sprint)
有聲有色 (vivid)
雞飛狗跳 (a total disorder and chaos)


The 4 Chang Yu presented in this Building Reader level are
黑白分明  (a clear distinction between black and white; no confusion)
人山人海  (vast crowd)
喜出望外  (overjoyed at unexpected good news)
如魚得水  (like a fish back in water; in one's proper surroundings)


The 4 Chang Yu presented in this Confident Reader level are
口是心非 (to say yes and mean no; duplicity)
一馬當先 (to take the lead)
 病從口入 (illness enters by the mouth)
東張西望 (to look in all directions)



The 4 Chang Yu presented in this Fluent Reader level are
長話短說 (to make a long story short)
名滿天下 (world famous)
 眼高手低 (to have high ambition but no real ability)
心平氣和 (calmly and without stress)