I'm in Charge of Me!
Pride in
independence, being a friend, showing respect and working together is for all
ages! These stories tell what some children do and happily ask "how about
you?" Books about difficult concepts made accessible for the youngest
children, these predictable emergent readers practically guarantee eager
I Show Respect!
repetition, this book will teach, review, and reinforce some of the behaviors
of respect.
I Am Positive!
This book is
about making each day the best ever. Choosing to look on the positive side of
things takes practice. Help your child realize that each individual has a
choice as to how to respond to the day's events. The thoughts and actions that
your child has can change a mediocre day into a great one for your child and others
as well.
I Am Generous!
This book is
about generosity. Children at this age are typically in the egocentric phase of
development. They want to know "What's in it for me?" The message
that I want to send to them is that they will feel good when they do something
for someone else. This book models what children can do for others right now in
their lives.
I Tell The Truth!
Why is it
important to tell the truth? What’s wrong with fibbing? How can lies hurt other
people? Teach little ones the importance of telling the truth with a clear,
cute book of guidance, which shows why being truthful matters – and what can
happen when you’re not!
I Have Manners!
This book is
about good manners. Manners help people interact positively with each other.
The behaviors that make up manners are learned. They do not come easily and
they do not come automatically. These behaviors help facilitate interaction
with those around us--wheather we know them or are
meeting them for the first time.
I Care About Others!
This book is
about caring for others. Caring does not mean the giving of money, although it
may lead to giving. Simple acts of caring can be done as part of everyday
activities. This book models examples of caring and the actions that children
can take.
I Accept You As You Are!
A book is
about accepting differences in people. — Recognizing and accepting that there
are differences among their peers is an important step for children at this
stage of development. Trying to embrace these differences without losing their
own sense of self is an essential concept addressed in this book. Have children
think about similarities and differences among their peers.
I Can Listen!
Listening is a simple concept, yet that
requires much practice. This book will help children understand that lets
listen to learn many things.
I Can Try New Things!
A child can
gradually develop their confidence and self esteem if his entourage
congratulates every time he tries a new thing.
I Am Creative!
makes finding original ideas, solve problems, resolve conflicts and even
discover new ways of doing things.
I Am A Leader!
The children,
even the youngest can become good models for others simply by being helpful and
taking a positive attitude ..
I Am Responsible!
When they have a job or task at hand, children
sometimes struggle to understand that it is their duty to do so
. Through examples, the book will help to better understand the notion
of responsibility.
I'm a Good Friend!
To have a good friendship, you sometimes make
I Can Share!
A person who feels a shared
well-being. But sharing is not always easy ...