Volume 1:

1.  Hello! How Are You?   2.  Class Starts.   3.  See You Later!    4.  We Have Three Family Members!   5.  I Am Chinese!     6.  He Is An Engineer!   7.  I Can Write!   8.  What's Her Name?   9.  What Do You Want to Eat?   10. Borrow the Colorful Pencil.    11.  Play the Ball.   12.  I Like.    13.  Moon and Stars.   14.  Fish and Bird.   15.  What a Beautiful Sea!   16.  Electric Piano.   17.   Never-Falling-Down Doll.   18.  Let's Play Together.   19.   Little Cat and Little Dog.   20.  Zoo    21.  Let's Guess.    22.  Beautiful Clothes.   23.  Eating a Biscuit.   24.  Cooking Chinese Food.   25.   Buying Ice Cream.   26.  Buying a Swimming Suit.   27.  In the Supermarket.   28.  Happy Birthday.   29.  A Visit to My Home.   30. Go Swimming.

Volume 2

1.   Summer Vacation.  2.  The Great Wall.    3.     Give You a FengZheng.  4.       New Classmate. 5.       Studying Chinese. 6.       Interesting Chinese Characters. 7.       One Has Two Precious Things. 8.       Chinese Ancient Calculator. 9.       Who can calculate fast? 10.   Make a Phone Call. 11.   Welcome to My Home.  12.   Goodbye to the Guest. 13.   Christmas Gift.  14.   Chinese New Year.  15.   Making Dumplings. 16.   Directions.  17.   Where is the Ox tail? 18.   Where Did You Buy This Book?   19. Small Boat.  20. Who has the Correct Answer?  21. Rainbow.  22. Go to See the Dentist.  23. Eye protection.  24.  Do Exercises in the Morning.  25.  Play a Game.  26.  Play a Game.  27.  Wonderful   28. Four Seasons.  29.  Surge of the Sea.   30.   Painting in the Snow.

Volume 3
1. Our Work   2. Borrow the Book   3. Making Collages   4. Tom Jumped   5. I Like to Play Tennis   6. Watch the Basketball   7. Autumn   8. Echo   9. Counting the Years of the Tree   10. Rocks from Yellow Mountain   11. Waterfall  12. Grand Canyon   13. You Can Do Very Well   14. New Apartment   15. Overnight Camping   16. What Will You do When You Grow Up?   17. Picnic   18. Football Became Waterball   19. Dragonboat Festival   20. Moon Festival   21. Thanksgiving   22. Parrot   23. Ocean Animals   24. Big Panda   25. Thai's Puring Water Festival   26. The Host of Top of the World   27. Eskimo In North Pole   28. Little Cat Feed Fish   29. Monkey Come to the Mountain   30. Watch the Sky from the Well