Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 20 - Chinese for Job Hunting 求职中文实用句

Hot Topics:  The Five Highest Grossing Industries 求職向錢看

Picture Dicitionary:  Useful Tools in a Job Search  求職十大工具

Essetnail Sentences: Interview Sentences 應徵面試

Sentence Patterns: Job Aplications 求職實用句

Business Conversation:  Looking for a Job應徵工作

Situational Shorts: The Challenge面試大挑戰

Practical reading: Recruitment Ad 招聘信息

Wisdom & Idioms: Tsai, Ming-Kai—He Who Can Stomach Everything 肚裡能撐船的­蔡明介

Writing Center: Writing Resumes and Profiles 撰寫簡歷表與自傳

Priactice Makes Perfect:  A Great Interview 來場漂亮的面試