Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 16 - Chinese on Festivals 节日中文常用句

Picture Dictionary:  Chinese and Western Festivals/Holidays 中西節日

Five Essential Sentences: Often Used Congratulatory Sentences  常用祝賀句

Sentence Patterns:  Practical Sentences for Chinese Festivals 節日實用句

Comic Corner:  Happy Chinese New Year 歡喜過新年

Sitcom:  People Get Together When the Moon’s Round  月圓人團圓

             New Year’s Eve Dinner  吉祥除夕夜

Talk Show:  Shuoshu-Chinese Valentine’s Day  說書唱七夕

Live Reading:  Spring Couplets 春聯

What’s Hot:  Shanzai 山寨

Cultural Window:  The Shengxiao-Chinese Zodiac  生肖