Live Interactive Chinese Vol. 15 - Chinese in the City 城市生活常用句

Picture Dictionary:  The City 城市

Five Essential Sentences:  Chinese in the City 城市生活常用句

Sentence Patterns:  Essential Sentences for Hospital Visits 看病實用句

Comic Corner:  Open an Account in a Bank 開戶存款

3D Theater:  A Killer Toothache 牙痛要人命

Sitcom:  Who Is Sick? 是誰生病了﹖

Talk Show:  News Broadcast 新聞播放

The Story of Chinese Characters: The Character “火” 

Live Reading: Prescription  處方籤

What’s Hot: To Make Things Worse  瞎攪和

Cultural Window: Understanding Chinese Taboos  華人生活禁忌