Prepare for HSK: Vocabulary Book for HSK 1-3HSK词汇突破1-3级词汇



每级词汇按音序排列,加注拼音、词性、英文,方便查阅;搭配和例句源于新HSK考点,便于考生提前熟悉;附加生活中常用词汇,方便考生增大词汇量,提高汉语水平。The New HSK vocabulary 1-3 outline included total 600 vocabularies to meet the need of exam candidate and self-learners. Each level vocabulary is arranged by the sequences alphabetically ordered, filling spelling, speech, English, so it’s easier for everyone to access. The Chinese collocation and example sentence are based on the new HSK test materials. It is easy for candidates to get familiar with the test materials in advance.

The most common words in Chinese allow candidate to expand their vocabularies and improve their Chinese level.


Prepare for HSK: Vocabulary Book for HSK 4HSK词汇突破4级词汇


Prepare for HSK series is a set of training material for students. The book including listening, speaking, reading and writing these four aspects of skills and comprehensive examination materials. Also, the " 21 days to conquer new HSK tutorial ", "new HSK vocabulary breakthrough," " New HSK special training " and " New HSK mock simulation test " ( including papers and detailed papers explanation ) four sub- series.


Prepare for HSK: Vocabulary Book for HSK 5HSK词汇突破5级词汇


Vocabulary Book for HSK 5 is the new HSK vocabulary breakthrough series. This book includes total of 1300 Vocabulary. Each vocabulary has Pinyin, tense, English explanation, collocations and sentences. The book is a compact, content-rich pocket book which can serve as a new HSK mock test paper and review materials.


Prepare for HSK: Vocabulary Book for HSK 6HSK词汇突破6级词汇

共计2500个词,词汇均按音序排列,以方便考生查找。为更加贴近汉语的实际使用情况,“”“”的拼音均按实际发音进行标注。本手册在内容和编排上充分考虑到学习者的需求。在内容上,严格按照新HSK 6 级大纲选取收录词汇,可以满足新HSK 5 级考试的备考需要。The book has total of 2500 vocabularies. The vocabularies are arranged by the Pinyin and it’s easy for the candidates to find. The order is based on the actual phonetic pronunciation labeled; this way is closer to the actual use of the Chinese language of “ yi” and “bu”. The book content and layout are designed to meet the learner’s needs. In content, in strict accordance with the new HSK six level outlines contains selected vocabulary, which can meet the needs of new HSK 5 exam preparations.