
出版说明 Publisher’s Note
一,十二生肖 The 12 Animal Signs of the Chinese Zodiac
Games for Fun
二,龙 The Dragon
Expansion Reading: The Dragon Boat Race
Games for Fun
三,风 The Phoenix
Expansion Reading: A Hundred Birds Worshipping the Phoenix
Games for Fun
四,太极图 Tai Chi
Expansion Reading: The Legend of Yin Yang and the Invention of Binary Theory
Games for Fun
五,八卦 The Eight Trigrams
Expansion Reading: The Different Dual Combinations Formed from the Eight Trigrams
六,红双喜喜 Double Happiness
Expansion Reading: The Magpie and Happiness
Games for Fun
七,福 Good Fortune
Expansion Reading: The Custom of Hanging the Symbol for Fortune Upside Down
Games for Fun
八,寿 Longevity
Expansion Reading: The Noodles of Longevity
Games for Fun
九,中国结 Chinese Knotting
Expansion Reading: Some Common Chinese Knots
Games for Fun
十,门神 The Door Gods
Expansion Reading: How Zhong Kui Became the Door God
十一,狮子 The Lion
Expansion Reading: The Lion Dance
Games for Fun
十二,玉 Jade
Expansion Reading: The Origin of the Jadeite Cabbage