When Fish Got Feet, Sharks Got Teeth, and Bugs Began to Swarm: Ocean

The author finds the perfect mixture between factual information, comic relief and entertaining illustrations to capture the many life forms that existed long before the Dinosaurs. Taking a time period that involves a lot of complicated information, this book explains the content in an understandable and fun style.


When Bugs Were Big, Plants Were Strange, and Tetrapods Stalked the Earth: Land

This book explains life on land before the dinosaurs. The unusual animals and plants that existed during this period are captured in the exciting illustrations. The illustrations bring the reader back to a period that spanned 100 million years before the Dinosaurs, and also incorporates comical pictures that add humor to the text. Basic specie’s details are outlined and knowledge on how life evolved during this time period teaches readers on the development of living organisms pre-dinosaur.


What Darwin Saw The Journey that Changed the World: Evolution


This book tells the story of Darwin. It all starts when he goes on an expedition and witness’ the landscapes and specimens that make up our earth. This journey is depicted in a way that is made fun for the reader while bringing them along for the process in which Darwin came to his theory of evolution, in 1860.