For the Right to Learn 馬拉拉的上學路
She grew up in a world where women were
supposed to be quiet. But Malala Yousafzai
refused to be silent. Discover Malala's story through
this powerful narrative telling, and come to see how one brave girl named Malala changed the world.
《馬拉拉的上學路 》來自巴基斯坦的少女馬拉拉從小就熱愛讀書,可是高壓統治的塔利班政權並不允許女孩上學。面對不公不義的現況,她勇敢地挺身而出,運用文字在網路上寫下她的真實故事,為家鄉的每個女孩爭取平等的受教育權。即使遭遇生命威脅,馬拉拉也從不屈服,因為「一個孩子、一位老師、一本書、一枝筆,都能夠改變世界。
Jars of Hope: Amid the horrors of World War II, Irena Sendler was an unlikely and unsung hero. While many people lived in fear of the Nazis, Irena defied them, even though it could have meant her life. This gripping true story of a woman who took it upon herself to help save 2,500 children from the Warsaw Ghetto during the Holocaust is not only inspirational―it's unforgettable.
Journey: It is 1941. Hedy and her family are Jewish,
and the Nazi party is rising. Hedy's family is no longer safe
in their home in Hungary. They decide to flee to America, but because of their
circumstances, sixteen-year-old Hedy must make her way through
Europe alone. Will luck be with her? Will she be brave? Join Hedy on her
journey-where she encounters good fortune and misfortune, a kind helper and
cruel soldiers, a reunion and a tragedy-and discover how Hedy is both lucky and brave. Hedy's
Journey adds an important voice to the canon of Holocaust stories, and her
courage will make a lasting impact on young readers.
《海蒂的逃離旅程》 海蒂和她的家人是猶太人,他們已經不能再安全地住在匈牙利了,他們決定逃到美國。但是十六歲的海蒂必須孤身一人穿越歐洲,踏上這場逃離的旅程。海蒂在途中遇到了形形色色的人們,有過客、有偷偷幫助她的人、也有德國士兵……幸運之神能伴隨著她嗎?在當時,逃離祖國的旅程遠比想像中來得困難。
Beacon to Freedom: Reverend John Rankin is credited with providing safety through the Underground Railroad to more than 2,000 people as they tried to escape slavery. Not as well-known as Harriet Tubman's story to most readers, Beacon to Freedom recounts in an illustrated, nonfiction narrative how Rankin guided runaways across the wide Ohio River with a light in his window, giving them hope in a time of great fear and danger.
A Different Pond: As a young boy, Bao
and his father awoke early, hours before his father's long workday began, to
fish on the shores of a small pond in Minneapolis. Unlike many other anglers, Bao and his father fished for food, not recreation. A
successful catch meant a fed family. Between hope-filled casts, Bao's father
told him about a different pond in their homeland of Vietnam. Thi Bui's
striking, evocative art paired with Phi's expertly crafted prose has earned
this powerful picture books six starred reviews and numerous awards.