Chinese Treasure Chest Volume 2


January 一月

§                        January Calendar 一月月历

§                        Zodiac Animals 十二生肖

§                        Chinese New Year (Spring Festival) 农历新年(春节)

§                        Lantern Festival 元宵节

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


February 二月

§                        February Calendar 二月月历

§                        100 Days of School 上学一百天

§                        Valentine’s Day 情人节

§                        Adjectives to Describe People 描写人物的形容词

§                        Telling Time 现在几点 ()

§                        Daily Activities 日常活动

§                        Cultural Link: Emperor Qin Shihuang 秦始皇

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


March 三月

§                        March Calendar 三月月历

§                        Countries of the World 世界各国

§                        Landforms 地形

§                        My Community 我的社区

§                        Famous Chinese Women 著名华人女性

§                        Foreign Language Month 外语月

§                        Spring 春天

§                        Cultural Link: Hua Mulan 花木兰

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


April 四月

§                        April Calendar 四月月历

§                        Colors 颜色

§                        Fruits 水果

§                        Animals 动物

§                        Tomb Sweeping Day 清明节

§                        Cultural Link: Chinese Inventions 中国的发明

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


May 五月

§                        May Calendar 五月月历

§                        Food 食物

§                        Mother’s Day 母亲节

§                        Cultural Link: Tea-Drinking 中国茶

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


June 六月

§                        June Calendar 六月月历

§                        Leisure Activities 休闲活动

§                        Sports 运动

§                        Father’s Day 父亲节

§                        Insects 昆虫

§                        Cultural Link: Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


July 七月

§                        July Calendar 七月月历

§                        National Day 国庆节

§                        Craft Fun 手工乐

§                        Cultural Link: Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


August 八月

§                        August Calendar 八月月历

§                        Summer Fun 夏天乐

§                        Cultural Link: Zheng He 郑和

§                        Try It Out! 每月一练


Appendices 附录

§                        Answer Key for Word Search and Crossword Puzzles 字谜答案

§                        100 Ideas to Celebrate Foreign Language Month 庆祝外语月100

§                        Useful Templates 常用样本

§                        Vocabulary Flash Cards: Countries 词卡:国家

§                        Vocabulary Flash Cards: Colors 词卡:颜色

§                        Project Samples 作品展示