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China's Folk Customs (5 DVDs) VVC100


This is a product of a national “12th-Five-Year” project of audiovisual and electronic publication. It contains 5 high-definition DVDs, introducing 30 well-chosen Chinese folk customs that foreigners are found interested in using plenty of video images and explicit narrations. Each of the 30 episodes in it talks about one cultural item, lasting about 6 minutes, supported by Chinese and English narrations and captions. The cultural items include festivals and ceremonies, weddings and zodiac animals, kites and lanterns, new year paintings and paper-cuts, and so on, covering various aspects of the popular folk culture.

本产品是“十二五”国家重点音像电子出版项目,由5张高清DVD组成,精选了30项外国人感兴趣的中国民俗文化项目,用丰富的视频影像和深入浅出的解说文字给予生动介绍。产品分30集,每集介绍一种文化项目,时长6分钟左右, 配有中英文解说和字幕。文化项目具体包括节日庆典、婚礼生肖、风筝灯笼、年画剪纸等,囊括了民俗文化中喜闻乐见的各个方面。
● 本DVD适合对中国文化感兴趣的中外各界人士休闲观赏,也可作为相关中国文化课程的辅助教学资料。
● 兼有中英文双声道和中英文双字幕,可根据需要在4种播放方式之间自由切换。
● 采用精品盒装,装帧小巧精美,可作为馈赠礼品。
01.春节 Spring Festival
02.元宵节 Yuanxiao Festival
03.清明节 Qingming Festival,
the Tomb-Sweeping Day
04.端午节 Duanwu, the Dragon Boat Festival
05.七夕节 The Night of Sevens
06.中秋节 Mid-Autumn Festival
07.重阳节 Double Ninth Festival
01.祭祖 Ancestor Worship Ceremonies
02.庙会 Temple Fairs
03.见面礼节 Greeting Etiquette
04.婚礼 Wedding Ceremony
05.生肖 Chinese Zodiac
06.生日 Birthday
01.风筝 Kites
02.抖空竹 Playing Diabolo
03.灯笼 Chinese Lanterns
04.中国结 Chinese Knots
05.筷子 Chopsticks

5 DVDs; Mandarin Chinese and English with Chinese and English Subtitles
Item: China's Folk Customs (5 DVDs)
Our Price:US$ 89.95
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